Why I Love #Olicity

Oliver: “If I’m going to be Oliver Queen CEO, then I can’t very well travel down 18 floors every time you and I need to discuss how we spend our nights.”

Felicity: “And I love spending the night with you. Three–Two–One. I worked hard to get where I am and it wasn’t so I could fetch you coffee.”

So I love Olicity. I know that eventually, according to the comicverse, Oliver Queen will end up with Laurel Lance. 



First of all, Laurel (played by Katie Cassidy, but I’m not going to get into that now) is really annoying. There was this one user in tumblr and s/he pointed out that from season 1, laurel was already annoying, and I couldn’t agree more. I really did not like her at all I was all for Olicity. Laurel became such a pain in the ass because first, she was all high and mighty “you cheated on me Oliver and with MY SISTER!” I was like. “LAY IT ON HIM!” and then she got together with Tommy, which was fine. I would have been happy if they kept it that way. I was happy with Oliver having to deal with his feelings for Lauren even if his best friend was dating her and banging her. I get that but then they threw in that love triangle thing, which was inevitable, of course, but I hated it. Absolutely hated it. I was fine with Tommy and Laurel and I would have totally gone to a wedding for those two but NOOO! Also, I hated it when Laurel got super pissed when Ollie and Sara started dating. I get it your sister slept with your boyfriend when you were still dating. Okay I get it, girl. But come on, you mourned Sara and now that she’s alive you’re getting mad simply because of something that happened 5 years ago. Yeah hoes over bros and your sister totally screwed you over by screwing Oliver but you’re not the same girl as you were when Oliver and Sara left and neither are they.
So even if Olirel (which totally sounds like a medicine by the way) is the end game for the comic, I am still holding out that given that they brought in Sara as the Canary, maybe there might be a chance for Olicity to happen and not have it as just fan service. I can cite an example where the CW has taken liberty over the plot, Gossip Girl. In the books, if I remember correctly, Nate, is a main character fought over by Serena and Blair, he chooses Blair then chooses Serena then sails away. So who wanted an ending like that with no resolution (no offense, Cecily von Zeigasar, I do love your books) so they made Blair end up with Chuck. I would have wanted Serena not to end up with Dan (come on!) simply because of what he did (I mean that’s borderline sociopath behavior).

Second, as much as I love Sara, she knows Oliver Queen and his other side, she knows everything there is to know about Oliver and she understands him deeply in a way that Laurel can’t, but sometimes I just feel that even she has too much baggage to bring into that relationship. I love Sara, I do. I mean Sara (played by Caity Lotz) totally kicks ass and is way more proficient in defending herself which is a total plus for any girl. WOOHOO TO GIRL POWER! What irks me though, as I mentioned, was that Sara herself has so much baggage to deal with too, her family, her experience, adjusting to society, League of Assassins, so I think her priority right now, should be herself. My friend and I were discussing the show and he said that eventually I would end up liking the pairing of Oliver and Sara, and I did. I just didn’t like them as much as I liked Oliver and Felicity. I do believe that because I like Sara more than Laurel, and if CW does sort of kinda stick to the comic book story where The Green Arrow ends up with The Black Canary then maybe, I don’t know, by some miracle if Sara will be released by the League of Assasins, then maybe just maybe I would be willing to support that. I appreciate and respect Sara. I really do that’s why I totally prefer her to Laurel. Way better.

Third, any other person, simply put, they might not have as much baggage as Sara but they will never know Oliver, and it would be unlikely that he would ever tell them his secret.  Period. End of story.


Finally, this is why Felicity is perfect for Oliver. I know that Sara is way cool and can totally handle herself, and Laurel is supposed to be the end all and be all of the storyline but get this:

1. Felicity knows Oliver and The Arrow. He knows he can trust her. Always. 
2. Felicity, may not know how to handle herself sometimes but then she is brave enough to know what’s at stake. Remember that scene when she was be held hostage by Slade and Oliver was made to choose between Laurel and her. She didn’t beg, and she didn’t ask to be saved. Probably because she had the antidote with her but still. Having a knife to her throat, I would have screamed and fainted. Way brave. 
3. She knows how to stand up to Oliver. I mean how scary does Stephen Amell look when he glares at you? ’nuff said.
4. And whether he likes it or not, he will always have Felicity and he wants to know that Felicity will always have him. Remember that time when Moira was supposed to make a speech, I think, or when she was supposed to be announcing her candidacy, Oliver told Felicity, “you will never lose me.” Oh! That absolutely killed me! Absolutely! Aside from their other scenes!

This wasn’t meant to convince you to be an Olicity shipper but if you were, then YAY! If not, I would love to hear your thoughts on why you ship who you ship!


Love Always,



There are moments in life that have stood out alot in a person’s memories. There are so much of it. Good and bad, alike. The likely chance that it is good, is less. See this is what I don’t understand. A bad thing happening to someone, embarrassing someone and not you is, well, not happening to you. So how is it that you have endured this “event” when you were not the one being shouted at. No? Oh! You must have been the one shouting. Wait. No? Really? Then who were you? Oh. A spectator. So how did it affect you? Embarrassed you? Why? So what then? It didn’t happen to you. You were not the one yelled at and you weren’t the one embarrassed by a peer in front of your peers. Clearly you were NOT the one the center of the entire moment. Nope. You’re not. Don’t try. Give up. You’re. NOT. Stop saying how much you’ve endured for that. What did you endure? Embarrassment? Who endured more, you, a spectator who happens to be of kin to the fellow being screamed at or the fellow himself. OBVIOUSLY, the fellow himself has endured more. So get off your high horse and realize that you were actually riding a donkey. EEEEYAAAHHH.


5 Things Men Need To Learn About Women

James Michael Sama

Sure, we have all met some women who seem to be more complicated than Chinese algebra. Even the famous Oscar Wilde remarked: Women are meant to be loved, not understood.

But, I do think that as men, we over-complicate women because we expect them to be just like us. It’s natural for anyone to project their own qualities onto others and become confused when they don’t fit the mold, but once we step outside of ourselves and see people as they are, and not as we are, our vision becomes clearer.


It doesn’t matter what you say, it matters how she feels.

A woman’s honesty to herself is unparalleled, because her self-esteem is rooted where it should be, in herself. You can call her beautiful or sexy or gorgeous every single day, but if she doesn’t feel it, it won’t get through to her.

You need to make her feel

View original post 581 more words


Friday Freedom: A Step to Something (un)New

November 1.

Today is the day most people celebrate their loved one who have passed away and I, along with countless other people, are going to celebrate their dearly departed. As a way to keep track of myself, for something that I have never really been comfortable with sharing, I am starting something new today. I have fully committed to losing weight for myself and for my cousin’s wedding for the next year. See here’s the thing. I used to be an athlete– a swimmer, specifically– I entered swimming because I needed a way for me to lose weight during that time. When I started to seriously train, I started the summer before 3 year of high school started, and in the span of a year, without seriously watching what I ate, I was able to move from weighing in at 155 to 136 pounds. Though to me, every time I looked in the mirror I still saw myself as someone who was still 155. I just noticed the fact that I lost weight through the pictures that I saw much later on. 

Now, sad to say, I am standing at 5’5″ weighing in at 175. The opposite thing happened to me when I stopped swimming and entered college. I stopped because of academic reasons, I didn’t have enough time for it anymore. So I stopped. That was a wrong move. What was wrong was that after swimming, I didn’t go to the gym. Or choose another sport. I thought I would remain the same weight since my metabolism had adjusted to swimming anyways. I should have known. I should have known that my metabolism had adjusted. So had my appetite. I was eating the same but not burning the same amount of calories. Now, I am here. I just realized that I had let myself go too much and now, it’s time to take control. Of my academics, sports, extra-curriculars in school and, my weight. I had been looking over my pictures when I was in high school and my pictures now that I am in college. I have grown immensely. I can see rolls of fat in pictures. When I look in the mirror I still see at the very least a 155 pound girl. 

I’m starting something new. Today. I started eating right. Eating healthy. Since last night was halloween, I celebrated my last day of unhealthy eating by consuming cookie dough.

I’ll update tonight, and I will try as much as possible to update every night on what I ate and how I felt. It will be my own experiment on myself. Of course, knowing myself, I will want to fall by the wayside and cheat but I have asked my neighbor and one of my closest friends, Mae to keep an eye on me. Seeing as we live so close to each other and we are quite close compared to my other friends, I know I can trust her. Also, she was one of my honest friends who told me that I was gaining weight. It was a surprise for her because she saw me at my thinnest and happiest. 

I guess I have been in denial for awhile. This is me taking a step to a better and happier life. I am overweight and I am taking back control of my life.

To quote Blair Waldorf, “Destiny is for losers. It’s just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen.” I’m going to make it happen. 

Love Always, 


The Graduate

To all my friends who have graduated earlier this year, and just today, congratulations! You’ll rule the world. I know it! I wish all of you the best of luck!

I know it’s not mandatory to give gifts for graduation because it’s your own achievement to have graduated to begin with. Or so they say. Among the countless things that all people all over the world had wanted, want and will want as graduation gifts, the one thing I would really want would be a car.

This was a clip from the movie!

This was a clip from the movie!

Not just any car, the YJ Jeep. I’ve always liked the YJ Jeep ever since I watched Clueless. It was the car that Cher was driving. This is my dream car for my 20s. I’d totally love this car. I’m a girl and some people, I’m not saying all, find it weird that I love cars. I really appreciate the beauty and artistry a car presents, on or off the road. There are a lot of other cars that I would like to have a few years down the line but for now, I’ll be happy with a YJ Jeep.

For all of my friends who got cars when the stepped into college or got one because they finally stepped off,
congratulations and stay safe!

Love Always,


Reboot my life!

Hey everyone! I have been away for awhile now and mostly for personal reasons. I have been thinking things over in my life and I was wondering what I should do and where I should go. The Where I should go part is something that I have not figured out mostly because I’m still in university and I’m still studying. I have a year left and so I decided to make some decisions on the small things in my life. For one, I have finally decided to continue and see my studies through. It’s been a tough past year and a horrible first half of 2013. But I will get up and venture on. I will finish this! Second, I have decided to dedicate more time to blogging and I will start vlogging soon. I will be doing this with my best friend which would be fun but I will also try to have a personal daily vlog of my life up there. As soon as I get that up and running and I start figuring out what I will be vlogging about, I will post the link in one of my future posts to direct you there. Now that I think about it, aside from my daily life, I would probably blog about makeup, makeup reviews and makeup routines. Also, games, literature and other things that actually tickle my fancy!

Anyway, that’s it for now!

Love Always,

PS: I have a tumblr! here’s the link to that



So my 21st birthday is in 4 months so i’m absolutely excited to have it because I don’t really celebrate birthdays unless they’re the big ones. I didn’t want to have a really big birthday so I’m just having a dinner with my friends 🙂

What I really wanted to do is to have it Marie Antoinette style. So I want my friends to be a little bit more dressed up than the usual top with denim shorts. I’ll document everything for my benefit and yours!

This is just a small entry since I’m quite busy with school. Finals are just around the corner and I’ve been busy this past trimester. Hopefully, I’d be more free the next term 🙂

Well, that’s it for now!

Love Always,


Top Ten Tuesdays

I’ll be listing down things that are “top ten” enough for me for this and the past weeks.

Cheesecakes- I love cheesecakes! There is just something about them that isn’t entirely too sweet because it has cheese but it’s also not savory because.. well it’s not. There are amazing Cheesecake places here in Manila and you can click here to see the list made by spot.ph

Lemon Chicken- I ADORE lemon chicken! It’s my favorite Chinese food and that’s saying a lot considering how much I love Chinese food. It’s tang and savory! I absolutely love it. I can actually say I need my lemon chicken fix every week. Usually I get it on Wednesdays because I get out early from school and my dad takes me out for lunch. This lemon chicken is from Yummy magazine but here’s the online recipe for your reference! The way did it in Yummy is (I think) the usual way Chinese restaurants do it, like Chicken and glaze are cooked separately.

Brewed Iced Tea– my auntie makes the best brewed iced tea. I was happy to learn that it wasn’t the fake calorie packed kind that you find in packets. It’s the kind where you actually brew it and add lemon and a bit of honey. I am such a fan of that. Which reminds me, I need to ask for the recipe.

90s Sitcoms– I am a total 90s kid. I was born in 92 so I grew up watching all the 90s shows like FRIENDS (even if I was like… what, 7?), All That in Nickelodeon, Figure It Out, Kenan and Kel and other stuff. I love it! I have that complex where I judge the new generation that worship the new Disney and the new Nick. I feel kinda sad for them too, I mean the 90s shows were WAAAAY better.

Free-cut Classes- I love it when my last classes are cancelled especially during my long days in school. I just love it. ‘Nuff said.

Walking Around- In my place it’s easy to walk around because everything is so near each other. That’s something that I really enjoy about this place. Plus, with my student allowance there’s a lemon chicken place that my driver can drop me by just so I can eat. I introduced that place to my bro and he loved it because his favorite Chinese food , Salt and Pepper Squid is there too for an affordable price.

Last Minute Lunch Plans and Friends- I love having lunch with my friends and I love having lunch with them. To me, lunch is the meal that you don’t really want to take because it’s like pretend dinner. I mean dinner is the meal where you can get steaks, chicken and really yummy meals and breakfast is like a whole ‘nother level of goodness but lunch is like imitation dinner. That’s why I love having lunch with my friends because they make that tedious lunch time into a fun non-boring experience.

Cupcakes- If you live in the Philippines, especially Manila, you would know about this little place in Serendra called Cupcakes by Sonja. I love it. It’s a small little place that specializes on cupcakes. You see in the Philippines it was the first place to actually specialize on cupcakes. They have so many varieties of cupcakes and they don’t mass produce it, they make it in small batches so if you go there late in the evening looking for a Red Velvet Cupcake chances are they are already sold out. Their red velvet cupcake is one of their best sellers. I prefer the Vanilla Sunshine, Vanilla Chocolate, Chocolate Surprise and Lemon Drop. I love those flavors. The Vanilla Sunshine and Vanilla Chocolate have a vanilla cake and a buttercream frosting for the Sunshine and a chocolate buttercream for the Chocolate. The Chocolate Surprise has chocolate cake and chocolate frosting and their Lemon Drop (one of my personal personal faves that aren’t classics) has a vanilla cake with a lemon buttercream frosting. They use top-notch ingredients and my little girl wish is to have a cupcake store in my future house (ala Richie Rich).

Long Hair- I’ve been growing out my hair (or at least trying to without having the urge to cut it). I love long hair. I want long layered hair. I feel like I can do so much with my long hair.


That’s it. I’ll see you next time!

Love Always,